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High Net Worth Insurance

People with large assets have unique risks. High net worth insurance is a customized policy type that protects clients from these risks—from home insurance to travel insurance and much more.

Protect your wealth with the right policy in place

Despite the name, high net worth insurance isn’t simply a variation on ordinary personal insurance with higher coverage limits and higher premiums. Instead, it’s about recognizing that people with large assets have unique needs.

Combines coverages based on your needs

One way high net worth insurance responds to this challenge is by bringing multiple areas of coverage and expertise together into a comprehensive insurance solution based on your individual needs. This usually includes coverage for your home(s), vehicles, travel, and even life insurance. The solution is custom-designed for your particular lifestyle, assets, and risks rather than simply combining “off-the-shelf” policy terms and conditions.

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Real world example of how high net worth insurance works

For example, you may want to look for coverage that ensures you’ll be able to repair a damaged vehicle using the repair shop of your choice and factory-original parts. You may also want to have your vehicle insured for the “agreed value” rather than the market value. This means that you and the insurance company agree to the payout amount upfront in the event of a total loss claim.

Specific coverage options for unique risks

Of course, there are other unique risks to consider, as well. Household help (such as nannies or landscaping crews), identity theft, international travel, and more all have specialized insurance solutions to protect your wealth.

Why Do People Choose Us?





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Insure Beacon, LLC

1 Riverchase Office Plaza, Suite 200

Hoover, AL 35244

(205) 730-6728 MAIN
(205) 623-3748 FAX

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Insure Beacon has over 25 years combined experience in the independent insurance industry. We proudly serve our clients in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, & Tennessee.

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