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Apartment Building

Condo Insurance

Condo insurance (also referred to as an H0-6 policy) covers your condo unit where your condo association insurance stops. Your association typically insures the physical structure/building and other common areas.



Association by-laws vary, but condo owners are generally responsible for the interior of their unit, or from the drywall in. Things like your floors, walls, cabinets and fixtures that your association’s insurance likely doesn’t cover.



Getting a copy of those by-laws is a good idea so you can understand what your responsibilities are in the event of a claim. We can help you understand the fine print.

Condo Insurance for Town-Homes

It’s also important to understand that some town-homes are insured like condos, and therefore require an H0-6 policy.



If you live in a town-home, be sure that you have the correct type of insurance.

Insure Beacon is here to help you understand the differences between a homeowners policy and a condo policy.

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Insure Beacon, LLC

1 Riverchase Office Plaza, Suite 200

Hoover, AL 35244

(205) 730-6728 MAIN
(205) 623-3748 FAX

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Insure Beacon has over 25 years combined experience in the independent insurance industry. We proudly serve our clients in the states of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, & Tennessee.

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